The Information and Communication revolution has brought enormous changes in the way we organize our lives, our economies, industries and institutions. These spectacular developments in modern times have undoubtedly enhanced the quality of our lives, but at the same time, have led to manifold problems including the problem of massive amount of hazardous waste and other waste generated from electric products. Such waste poses a serious threat to human health and environment. The issue of proper management of such hazardous E-Waste is therefore critical to the protection of livelihood, health and environment.
To deal with this ever-rising problem of E-Waste, the government of India, through its Ministry of Environment and forest, formulated the E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules in 2011.
The Basel Convention defines wastes as-
Substances or objects, which are disposed off or are intended to be disposed off, or are required to be disposed off by the provisions of national laws.
E waste has been defined as-
Waste electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part or rejects from their manufacturing and repair process, which are intended to be discarded.
Whereas, Electrical and electronic equipment has been defined as
"Equipment which is dependent on electrical currents or electro-magnetic fields to fully functional".
Like hazardous waste, the problem of e-waste has become an immediate and long-term concern as its unregulated accumulation and recycling can lead to major environmental problems endangering human health. This calls for an urgent need for E-Waste Management so as to preserve the ecological balance and reduce landfills. Recycling end-of-life products is vital if we are to save resources and minimize waste. In this regard, we at Useify have tied up with Useify Pvt. Ltd, one of the world's largest authorized E-Waste recycler, for facilitating our Organization and our customers to enable them to dispose E-Waste products after its end-of-life.
100% recycling and disposal through authorized recycler to avoid the adverse effects of E-Waste.
- Toxic material present in e-waste get mixed with earth, air, water, etc and causes health issues.
- Oil & Gases which is present in e-waste like compressor and CRT causes environment pollution.
- Batteries contains highly hazardous elements.
- Burning of rubber & Plastic in open area causes air pollution.
- Bad impact on human being, animal, and other animates.
- Wastage of natural resources.
- All electrical and electronic products are required to be handed over only to the AUTHORIZED RECYCLER for recycling.
- The E-Waste product should be handed over only to an AUTHORIZED RECYCLER for disposal.
- Keep the e-waste in isolated area, after it becomes non-functional/un-repairable so as to prevent its accidental breakage.
- Please call on toll free number 7053530043for collection of E-Waste.
You can also deposit your E-Waste directly at the collection centers. For information of collection centers please Click here .
Why Recycle.
Conserve Resources
Creation requires raw resources. But when we recycle, extant material is put to use. Recycling saves this extraction of the fresh raw resources, and revives the existing ones that are no longer of use. This way there is lesser exploitation and more conservation of natural resources.
Save Energy
Each time we recycle a product, it requires lesser energy than producing a new one from the scratch. The considerable difference in manufacturing time is a result of skipping the usual process of extraction of raw material, its transportation, refining etc., which is way more than having a market ready product that to have a raw material ready for production.
Prevent Pollution
Production and disposal of products require a great deal of extraction, refining, processing and dumping of material, which have larger impact on the environment. By recycling, we cut down the pollution of air, water and land, thus reducing the greenhouse gas emission and avoiding any contribution to global warming.
Don'ts for E- Waste
- The product should not be opened/dismantled by the User himself/herself, but only by authorized service personnel
- The product is not meant for re-sale to any unauthorized agencies/scrap dealer
- The product is not meant for mixing into household waste stream.
- Do not keep any replaced spare part(s) from the product in exposed area
Terms and Conditions
- This initiative is a step towards our commitment for a cleaner and greener earth.
- This move is one of the ways to show that we are concerned and thus we request all our customers to join this movement to make it successful by way of contributing their end-of-life product.
- For more information about e-waste please visit:
- For any assistance/guidance for disposal of e-waste please call on toll free number:7053530043
- Products offered for recycling are not eligible for exchange offers.
- The service is available as per conditions applicable in the respective area by recyclers.
- Useify reserves the right to change the terms of the recycling scheme at any time.
This scheme is applicable only for Digital branded products.
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